BRILLIANT Chess Puzzle that Only a SELECT FEW Can Solve!

BRILLIANT Chess Puzzle that Only a SELECT FEW Can Solve!

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In this video, GM Igor Smirnov shows you one of the most super-cool and brilliant chess puzzles ever! This puzzle is really difficult. Even the world champion Magnus Carlsen might not be able to solve it – if you ever meet him, ask him to try it out.

We can see that the white king is vulnerable on the h6-square and that the black king is somewhat exposed as well. Black has a huge material advantage as he is an exchange up and has two extra pawns. But, in a crazy position like this, the material advantage cannot be the most decisive factor.

Because there are so many hanging pieces and the kings are in danger, you know that you have to do something that is really forcing to stay in the game. And calculating a forced variation in such a position is a super difficult task. But, can you give a try?

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