I introduce my new and improved ten-point checklist to improve your chess. Follow this method and your chess WILL improve!
1. Is my king safe? Am I absolutely sure?
2. Why did my opponent make that move?
3. What just changed?
4. What is now en prise / un/under-defended?
5. Any immediate risks / opportunities? (If no, go to default)
- Opening: Develop
- Middle game: Improve, build attack, pawn breaks.
- End game: Assure the best outcome
6. What are ALL the candidate moves?
7. For each, what is likely to happen? New risks/opportunities?
8. Which is best?
9. Does it improve my position?
10. Sanity check, sure it's not a mistake?
Book a 1-hour online chess lesson with me here! https://calendly.com/benhunt/chess-lesson
Follow me on Chess.com: https://www.chess.com/member/benhunt72