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#WallOfEntertainment #Wingstop #EmployeeOfTheWeek
Cast: @Chunkz @Niko Omilana @Wingstop
Executive Producers: @joivan_wade @percelleascott @tafara12
PHE England: Jam Nixon
Director: Sam Ewen @samewen1
Producer / 1st AD: Chris Boorman @chris_boorman_photography
Producer: Percelle Ascott
DOP: Jack Edmonds
PTZ Cam Op: Nicholas Jupp
Tech Assist: Ross Brown
UM: Joe Ferrari
DIT: Dan Hurst
Sound recordist: Charlie Hurst
BTS: Amir Ibrahim @amiribrah
MUA: Amy Welch
MUA: Ellis Rollof
Editor: Jack Edmonds
Runner: Dante Kirk-Wilson
Runner: Adam Benwell
Runner: Dee Kaate
Runner: Olive Thurston
Caterer: Wingstop
Covid Clinician / Medic: Steve Davies
The Wall Of Entertainment is the home of UK comedy and Entertainment, founded by Mandem On The Wall.
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