#appointment #outlook #recurrence
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How To Create A Recurring Appointment To Occur Every Weekday In Outlook?
Let’s say you need to create a recurring appointment that repeats every weekday, in other words, repeats from Monday to Friday excluding weekends. How could you quickly achieve it in Outlook? And what if recurring on the 2nd weekday of each month?
Create A Recurring Appointment To Occur Every Weekday
To create a recurring appointment or meeting which occurs every weekday in Outlook, please do as follows:
1. In the Calendar view, please click Home -- New Appointment.
2. Now a new Appointment window is opening. Please click Appointment -- Recurrence.
3. Now in the Appointment Recurrence dialog box, please do as follows:
(1) In the Appointment time section, please specify the start time, end time, and duration as you need;
(2) In the Recurrence pattern section, please check the Daily and Every weekday options successively;
(3) In the Range of recurrence section, please specify the recurrence range as you need;
(4) Click the OK button.
4. Now you return to the Appointment Series window, please add subject, location, and appointment note as you need, and then click the Save & Close button.
So far, you have created a recurring appointment which occurs every weekday in Outlook.
Create A Recurring Appointment To Occur Every Nth Weekday
To create a recurring appointment that occur every nth weekday, for instance every 2nd weekday of each month, please do as follows:
1. In the Calendar view, please click Home -- New Appointment to create a new appointment.
2. In the opening Appointment window, please click Appointment -- Recurrence.
3. Now in the Appointment Recurrence dialog box, please do as follows:
(1) In the Appointment time section, please specify the start time, end time, and duration as you need.
(2) In the Recurrence pattern section, please check Monthly option, and then specify monthly recurrence pattern as The second weekday of every 1 month(s) option or others as you need;
(3) In the Range of recurrence section, please specify the recurrence range as you need.
(4) Click the OK button.
4. Now you return to the Appointment Series window, please add subject, location, compose appointment note, and then click Appointment Series -- Save & Close button.
So far, you have created a recurring appointment that occurs on the 2nd weekday of every month or others as you specified in above Step 3.