Pleaser of God Not Men – Get Rid of The Delilah’s In Your Life

Pleaser of God Not Men – Get Rid of The Delilah’s In Your Life

Pleaser of God Not Men – Get Rid of The Delilah’s In Your Life
Galatians 1:10
For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.

I have actually found out that one of the enemy’s greatest tools and deceptions is to make you idolize men and people. Proverbs 29:25 says, Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety.
You find yourself constantly wanting to please men at all cost. At the cost of grieving the Holy Spirit. That is why the Bible tells us that Jesus should be our first love and Jesus himself said we should love Him more others.
Matthew 10:37 says,
“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Any relationship that you are involved in that makes you constantly disobey God, is a snare to you. You need to make up your mind to obey and love God more than man and men. A lot of people want to become celebrities to be celebrated by men. They seek fame to be worshipped and in their quest for fame, they get initiated into all types and manner of cults.

There is a female so called celebrity that the Lord showed me in a vision. She was very angry and was even angry at me and was trying to attack me in that anger, but the Lord protected me. She screamed at me, “look! Look at what they did to me! See what they turned me into!” She was dead. She showed me her teeth and her teeth was made up of different evil colors and weapons with sharp hooks that she uses in eating people up.

When I came out of that vision, I realized even though that she is famous on earth but in her quest for fame, she died. She sold her soul to the devil and lost everything and is waiting to be thrown into the lake of fire but men and women are still worshipping her as role models. Some people are on earth physically, but are already living with the dead in the world of the dead. Their presence here on earth deceives people, and they are laughing at humans that worship them because they are already with the dead, in the grave but are physically alive.

I heard a young woman say recently, that the dead female celebrity I motioned is her role model. This young woman is in serious trouble now as we speak. A lot of bad things happened to her. When you idolize these demonic celebrities, they have access to your life. They deposit evil into your life and it is your fault because idolizing them is worship of the devil because the devil is the father of lies, and worshipping a human being is a lie and a great deception.

Jesus should be our role model. Whoever is your role model is who you idolize.
Your quest to be loved, admired and adored can destroy you completely.

3. In you quest to please the people you love, do not grieve the holy Spirit. Sometimes situations will arise that will make you obey man and disobey God and that man might be the person that you love so much, more than God.
4. Acts 5:29
But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.

John 12:43
5. for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.

You will definitely come into testing and temptation in this area. When you discover that there is a dilemma and conflict between pleasing a loved one and God, never throw God away, for that person and choose to please the person, and displease God. God has trained me in this area.
There was a time the Lord spoke to me and said to me , “there is someone you love more than me.” I did not understand this message, and I kept searching my heart to find out who that person was. The Lord spoke again, and said to me, “human idol, human idol.” I still did not understand the message.
Eventually, certain situations happened that revealed this condition of my heart, that I was not even aware of. Then the Lord spoke to me and told me that I had turned this person, that was so dear to me into an idol. When the Lord said it, I did not doubt what he said. I repented.
Search your hearts and your relationships to make sure that there are no human idols there. God does not like it and it will limit your ability to manifest the glory of God. You will not have the level of glory and anointing that you should have until your purge your heart of human idols.
Also get rid of other idols that are not human idols, that you exalted to be like God in your heart and life. Idol is a lie and a deception, including human idol.
1 Corinthians 8:4 says, “we know that an idol stands for something that does not really exist; we know that there is only the one God.”

1 John 5:21
Little children, guard yourselves from idols.

An idol stands for something that does not exist, meaning that that position that you assigned to that object or thing like money, fame, power, oil, salt, water and so on, is not real, but a deception.

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