It's time again for the Patreon Potpourri! This month, we played some more short Touhou games that we thought you might enjoy. I know we enjoyed them! Well, they definitely had a positive effect on our mental health, anyway.
0:00 Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice and Dabs
15:32 CBT With Yuuka Kazami
37:16 Save Me, Sakuya-san!
Twitter: twitter.com/twoqueersplay
Patreon: patreon.com/8PR
Itch: eightypercentrelatable.itch.io/
YouTube: catgirl.training
If you're a subscriber on YouTube and want us to play a short game of yours (less than an hour or so), send us a message! We love playing fan games.
If you have a longer game you want us to play, send us the deets on Twitter. We'll check it out!
We can't guarantee that we'll play everything we receive, but we love playing the things you create, and we'll do our damnedest!