What is in your jar? Are you utilizing the oil in your jar?

What is in your jar? Are you utilizing the oil in your jar?

Matthew 25:3-4 NIV, “The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.” Today, God wants you to open your jar, dust off your lamp of faith, trim lamp its wick and utilize that oil that God has given you! When the oil that the Holy Spirit gives is in your jar, you have the courage to boast in your trials because you know that in your weakness the Spirit has made you strong. With the oil in your jar, you are confident that when all is said and done your situation will bring God glory! When you exercise what the Spirit has deposited in your jar, your circumstances will not define you, your circumstances will not determine your peace of mind, your circumstances will not dictate your confidence in God! Alleluia! Your circumstances will not define your faith, your joy or your worship! You will not always be talking about what Lucifer is doing to you in lieu of what God has been doing in your life! You will rejoice knowing that victory is yours even when Satan wants you to live in defeat. You will say like Job 13:15 in the midst of his greatest loss, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.” This my friend shows confidence in God. Lucifer—the devil— hates confidence like this; the devil hates when you utilize the oil in your jar! He hates when you start a praise and worship party in the midst of the chaos , loss, need, unmet desires for he knows that praise and worship get the God’s attention; he knows with worship that God is about to give double blessing for your trouble when you start declaring your faith in him like that. What is in your jar my sister? What is in your jar my brother? Is there any faith left in your jar? God wants you to get up from where you are today and line up with the oil—Holy Spirit’s power living in you — that he has deposited in your jar—in your temple. For goodness sake, stop that faithless talk and boast in your trials for when you are weak, the Holy Spirit’s strength will increase in you! So put on that garment of praise and worship and watch what God will do for you in life my friend regardless of what is happening today. God bless you!


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