Rain Sounds For Sleeping Intermittent Rain and Wind Sleep Fast 10 Hours
Hello to all the followers of the channel and a warm greeting to those who see it for the first time.
First of all, thank you for the views, like and subscribe to the channel and help it grow.
The objective is to help you fall asleep with real rain sounds, I did several surveys on youtube to know the preferences of the community and the result was amazing, the black screens are the preferred ones since they help with the darkness and do not bother when reproducing the night video such as Heavy Rain, Thunderstorm or Thunders, Light Rain, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do when I record the rain.
If you like the video, subscribe and like it, thank you very much.
Si te GUSTA el video SUSCRIBETE y dale LIKE, muchas gracias.
MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClfsTeJqyhjG_IEeiiqiDQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Link to Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClfsTeJqyhjG_IEeiiqiDQQ?sub_confirmation=1
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