In this video, I forge 100 Swords using the 10x forge deal and calculate the ROI on this investment including gas fees and all.
Also my opinion about the future of the game and what is happening now.
#Play to Earn World Discord Channel
#Games I play and love:
The Crypto Prophecies ($5 bonus): https://www.thecryptoprophecies.com/?mwr=a87dc9ec
Synergy of Serra: https://synergyofserra.com/?utm_source=playtoearnworld&utm_medium=affiliate
Spliterlands: https://splinterlands.com?ref=icaro-nz
Prospectors: https://prospectors.io?waxref=32iba.wam
Mobox: https://www.mobox.io/#/cmcairdrop?source=10246273
Dark Country: https://darkcountry.io/play?r=icarus
Town Star: https://gala.fan/75faanKD2
Collect: https://collect.social/referral?r=32iba.wam
Mobox: https://www.mobox.io?source=10246273
Womplay: https://womplay.io?ref=ZJQMJJT
Drakon: https://www.drakons.io/?referral=0362745203515754726
Ethermon: https://ethermon.io/?code=3c862791
#Exchanges I use:
Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/join/lavrad_g (Earn $10)
BlockFi: https://blockfi.com/?ref=75ca6c6c (Earn $10)
Binance: https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=10122121
Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/join/lavrad_g
Kucoin: https://www.kucoin.com/ucenter/signup?rcode=E3ch4T
Projects I love:
StormX: https://stormx.app.link/Ds30AGAyHgb
Do you like shopping? Use StormX to earn while you shop! Download now and we both get up to $ in STMX when you join and upgrade your rewards membership! 7I2554H9
#Donations: (coins, NFTs, anything your hearth wants)
BNB/BSC: 0x5E375A80a08B71B3D556edC290510D52641d3836
ETH/ERC20: 0x5E375A80a08B71B3D556edC290510D52641d3836
WAX: 32iba.wam
EOS: icaruswallet
BTC: 1KL3PBtWdpH29mEe92syeij8NSRmt5sMCR
Doge: DJmvC53C21KcxabsmGgUWxbWHhRjb2Y2Nv
(want to donate to any other wallet just let me know I'll get an address for you, or for me...)
#Axie M Link:
#Mobox #Farming # Staking #Momo #NFT #MomoFarm #TokenMonster