How Do You Kick The Trash Out Of Kidney Disease As A Kidney Disease Patient?
Watch this Warriors Quest Show and hear from Keesha Davis. Keesha is a kidney disease patient, who lives in Atlanta, GA. Keesha is currently on dialysis and is looking for a living kidney donor to create a better quality of life for herself.
What is chronic kidney disease? Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious and growing public health problem in the United States. CKD is a condition in which the kidneys become damaged, decreasing their ability to filter the blood and remove water and waste products. Wastes then build up in the blood, harming the body. When kidney function decreases to less than 15 percent, a patient has kidney failure.
Kidney failure that requires dialysis or kidney transplant is often referred to as end-stage renal disease (ESRD). More than 20 million Americans aged 20 and older may have CKD. Although CKD is common, many Americans with the key risk factors –diabetes and high blood pressure-do not know they are at risk.
In addition, the rising rates of diabetes and obesity will continue to fuel its growth, as both conditions increase the risk of developing CKD and speed its progression. Therapies exist that can significantly slow the progression of CKD to kidney failure; particularly blood pressure control and use of medications that protect kidney function-called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). However, many people who would benefit from treatment are not receiving it.
#kidney4keesha 💚💚💚💚💚
I'm currently on the wait list at Piedmont Atlanta Transplant Institute 404-605-4609 and
University of Virginia
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