HOW TO EASILY COMPLETE THE MUSIC NOTE QUEST *ALL LOCATIONS*!!| Royale High Wave 2 Update!!! How to easily complete the music note quest *All Locations*| Royale High wave 2 Update!! How to easily complete the music note quest *All Locations in realm*| Royale High summer wave 2 Update!! How to complete the music note quest| Royale High wave 2 summer Update!! How to easily complete the music note quest *All Locations*| Royale High wave 2 Update!!
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What do you use to film?
A: I film with my PC computer!
What do you use to edit?
A: I use iMovie to edit my vids. All my screen recordings go to my camera roll then I export it to iMovie.
How do you do Facecam?:
A: I do facecam by my screen recorder app on my PC. Right now I use StreamLabs OBS and there is a built in facecam and I use that!
How old are you?
A: I am currently 18 years old
Where do you live?
A: I live in California!
Socials :
Instagram: @abbieoutlet
Roblox Username: notabbiesoutlet
Roblox Group: Outfit Squad