She is sad and ANGRY!
Click to Watch The Whole Episode! : https://youtu.be/Hp-Dm8Qd8Sc
Sultana Hürrem blames Prince Mustafa because Prince Mehmet has got wounded by an arrow. Sultan Suleiman falls out with Prince Mehmet. Firuze tries to protect herself in the palace until Sultan Suleiman returns. Nigar gets together with her daughter but Sultana Hatice doesn't like it at all.
After Prince Mehmet has got wounded, Hürrem accuses Prince Mustafa. Sultan Suleiman falls out with Prince Mustafa and also sorrows that his son is in the pain of death. As Suleiman shares the pain with Hürrem, he gets up against his son Mustafa for the first time. The tension rises and rises in Manisa Palace.
Rüstem Aga learns Firuze's secret. He decides to wait for Hürrem to share this secret. However, he has to explain why Firuze is wounded to İbrahim Pasha when they go back to the palace.
Nigar gets together with her daughter that she has thought she is dead. However, she has to fall apart with her daughter with Sultana Hatice's visit. Hatice doesn't want fire and gunpowder to sleep together. That's why she offers İbrahim to take the child to her palace, but there is nothing that Nigar can't do to be able to take her daughter back.
Suleiman and Hürrem return to Istanbul after the dark days they have had. Hürrem sees that Firuze is still in the palace and spits fire on Rüstem Aga. However, she gets shocked when Rüstem tells her Firuze's secret. Hürrem shows her cards and gets prepared to deal a death blow.
The golden years of the Ottoman Empire come to life in a television series. The life of Suleiman the Magnificent is preparing to be a guest in your homes in all its glory. Get ready to experience the era with ambition, love, wars, and all the struggle.
Bu sırada, Karadeniz üzerinden içi köle yüklü bir kadırga, İstanbul’a doğru gelmektedir. Kölelerden en ateşli olanı ise, kaderini değiştirecek olan yolculuğa çıktığının henüz farkında değildir. Geri dönmek için çaresiz bir şekilde isyan etmektedir.
Sultan Süleyman, padişahlığının ilk gününde verdiği buyruklarla nasıl bir padişah olduğunu göstermek ister. Ama bu kararlar herkesin hoşuna gitmeyecektir. Sultan Süleyman ise gönderdiği mesajlarla, tüm Avrupa’ya meydan okumaktan çekinmez.
Alex, tüm isyankarlığına rağmen, Topkapı sarayına getirilir. Onun bu tavrı ilk andan itibaren Valide Sultan’ın dikkatini çeker. Ama Alex’in sarayın kurallarını öğrenmesi uzun sürmez. Kendisine büyük bir hedef seçer. Alex, Sultan Süleyman’ın karşısına çıktığı ilk gecede onun ilgisini çekmeyi başarır. Sultan Süleyman’ın eşi Mahidevran ise Manisa sarayından yeni gelmiş. Eşi ile görüşmeyi sabırsızlıkla beklemektedir.
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