Many a mothers do not feed baby exclusively on breast inspite a fact that Breast Milk is best for baby in all aspects .Many a times the reason is wrong perception of insufficient milk by mother.
In this video you will get to know all about PERCEIVED INSUFFICIENT MILK .
In this channel you get many videos about health and related issues.
The purpose of this channel is to spread awareness, education and knowledge about all aspects of health & Diseases mainly Child Health.
You will also find here informative videos on General topics like corona disease , Lifestyle diseases, Diet & Nutrition .
Videos already published are -
# double masking
#negative test in a corona patient,
#2nd wave of corona in children,
#how to treat corona +ve child at home,
#Who can not corona vaccine are also available.
#When to end home isolation in a covid patient.
#Repeat swab test is needed or not in corona confirmed case.
#Whether All corona Patients need steroids
# Your Best friend during Corona
# why black fungus infection in corona
# How to face 3rd wave of Corona
#why interval between 2 doses of vaccine is being increased
# Do not be afraid of Corona .Follow 4 steps schedule of IMDT i.e.Isolation, monitoring, Doctor & testing
# Get vaccinated not infected when you go to vaccination centre
#Get yourself protected from Corona
#Nasal spray and nasal vaccine for corona
#common mistakes in corona treatment
# wonder medicine of corona -Multiclonal Antibody cocktail
# Long Covid/Post Covid syndrome
# Good news in relation to Corona & Vaccines
# current corona treatment & emerging challenges
# Raised CRP in corona and its remedy
#FAQs about Corona vaccines – What happens when a person suffers from corona after 1 dose of corona ? can he take 2nd dose and if yes when? can we change vaccine brand after 1st dose? can we delay 2nd dose ? Can Corona vaccine cause Corona Infection,its test positive/Black Fungus ?
# get protected from Delta Plus variant and Third Wave
#Diarrhoea in children
#Vomitingin children
#Fever in children
#Cold in children,
#Cough in children ,
# Abdominal pain in children,
#Teething in Babies,
#vitamin D in children
#Screen time in Children-guidelines
# Routine vaccination during Covid Pandemic
# What Not To Do With Newborn Babies
#How to keep children away from TV/Mobile
#What to do when a child does not eat anything.
# What to feed Fresh Fruit or Juice.
#Which Food Grain to be given to children
# When to start feeding water to babies
# When , how and why wean off a baby from bottle feeding ?
# Choosing best milk for your kid
# No cow’s milk to babies below 1 year of age
# Feeding of Infants and Young Children
# Vaccination in children at different ages
# How to make home safe for children?
# Tips for healthy weight in children
# Teeth Grinding / Bruxism in children
# Bed Wetting in Children
# Crying in a Baby -Causes & Remedy
# Breast feeding a shared responsibility
# Get enough protein in vegetarian diet.
# # When to eat to remain fit and healthy ?- Intermittent fasting
# Fruits in Diabetes
# Keeping Triglyceride level normal
# Maintain healthy Cholesterol level
and many more topics available in this channel.
Do watch and know about all these.
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