Minimum Viable Quadcopter

Minimum Viable Quadcopter

This is an attempt to build a 'flying machine' by starting from zero and iterating from there. This approach is something like creating a Minimum Viable Product in the startup world (from the book 'Lean Startup' by Eric Ries). The idea is build the minimal thing encapsulates your idea so you can get it in front of people, and then iterate based on feedback.

I'm not really doing all of that stuff of course, but I did learn a lot making many incremental versions. Mostly *I started*, which is the most important thing. And yes, there were a lot of failed versions, but as Edison once said, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Unfortunately there are well over 10 billion ways to fail making a quadcopter, so some reading was in order as well :).

If you are trying to make something that flies, I'd love to hear how it's going, either down below, or just let me know where you all gather to share ideas. And if you want to know more about things I glossed over on the quadcopter build, please just ask!

These were the final betaflight settings btw. Flashed with an STM32 board, brushed motors, and a flysky (IBUS) controller.

# resources
resource BEEPER 1 C14
resource MOTOR 1 B01
resource MOTOR 2 B00
resource MOTOR 3 B10
resource MOTOR 4 B08
resource SERIAL_RX 1 A10
resource SPI_SCK 1 A05
resource SPI_MISO 1 A06
resource SPI_MOSI 1 A07
resource GYRO_CS 1 A04

# timer
timer B00 AF2
# pin B00: TIM3 CH3 (AF2)
timer B01 AF2
# pin B01: TIM3 CH4 (AF2)
timer B10 AF1
# pin B10: TIM2 CH3 (AF1)
timer B08 AF2
# pin B08: TIM4 CH3 (AF2)

# dma
dma pin B00 0
# pin B00: DMA1 Stream 7 Channel 5
dma pin B01 0
# pin B01: DMA1 Stream 2 Channel 5
dma pin B10 0
# pin B10: DMA1 Stream 1 Channel 3
dma pin B08 0
# pin B08: DMA1 Stream 7 Channel 2

# feature
feature RX_SERIAL

# serial
serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200

# aux
aux 0 0 0 900 1300 0 0

# master
set mag_bustype = SLAVE
set serialrx_provider = IBUS
set gyro_1_bustype = SPI
set gyro_1_spibus = 1


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