Obesity Medicine Specialist and Patient Safety Expert Shares His Unique Story

Obesity Medicine Specialist and Patient Safety Expert Shares His Unique Story

This episode features Dr. Michael Knight , an Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine specialist. He shares his pathway to medicine which started at an HBCU (Oakwood University). Dr. Knight talks about how he became interested in obesity medicine and the niche of Patient Safety. Dr. Knight completed a fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania through the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. This program allowed Dr. Knight to add an additional aspect to his career and led to his initial role as a patient safety officer.
In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Knight gives back to his community. In residency, he started a non-profit organization "The Renewing Health Foundation ", which empowers communities to live their best lives. Throughout his medical career, Dr. Knight has been incredibly active in the Student National Medical Association and now the National Medical Association . He talks about the benefits of these organizations. (After our conversation, I finally became a member of the NMA).
If you or someone you know is interested in the field of Patient Safety, or becomin an Internest or Obesity medicine specialist, please listen to and share this episode. If you receive value from the show, please share, subscribe and leave a comment.
TBDP is a volunteer passion project with the goal of inspiring all who listen. In-house music and audio production, so any ideas for improvements or suggestions for future guests are welcome. Visit www.StevenBradleyMD.com to learn more about our host. He is available for consultations or speaking engagements regarding health equity and medical ethics.


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