Reducing heart inflammation and blood clots from the COVID vaccine - a common side effect

Reducing heart inflammation and blood clots from the COVID vaccine - a common side effect

As we have been informed there can be side effects from the vaccine including heart inflammation which I have seen personally

There is to be no vaccine char or arguing on this post

I believe we all have to make the informed decision for what is best for our own bodies, as I did in refusing chemo an have kept my thoughts about the vaccine off this video

Please do not enter into arguing in the comments this video is to help those who might be suffering inflammation of the heart or blood clots

Of course it would work for other clots and inflammation in the body too, I am doing a more detailed video of how it works exactly to help clear dead cancer cells

It also clears plague from arteries and helps to clear arteries-preventing congestive heart failure.

It also support's the lymphatic system – the bodys waste removal system and can clear mucus in the lungs

It can be used for all inflammation in the body, which is often the cause of many diseases including cancer

Thank you for tuning in

Kerri xxxx

covidcovid 19vaccine

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