I use the Tack-It Method frequently to apply glitter to a cup before adding resin, decals, or vinyl, but I've never used tack-it to apply mica to a tumbler. So I got out my collection of Aurora Holo Flakes from Woodes Goodies, a small makeup brush, and WOW! The results are just spectacular, and I don't want to put anything else on the cup after the resin layer (with a little Marabu Rainbow alcohol ink mixed in). It's just stunning as is.
The actual Aurora flakes used in this video are:
When life hands you a jeffrey...
Say my name, Heisenberg, You're GD right!
I myself am strange and unusual
My precious
I triple dog dare you
They're heeeere
They all float down here
Did we just become best friends?
Make him an offer he can't refuse
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!
Send me a nice letter (I'll write back - promise!)!! I may even send you a small gift... maybe... you never know!
Luxinda (Cindy) Deskins
PO Box 974
Ranson, WV 25438-0974
Check out some of the items I've made, listed in my Etsy store:
Materials used in this video*:
KS Liquid Stone Ultra UV Resin: http://bit.ly/2N4JX3i (Coupon Code "LuxSwirl" for 5% discount)
Woodes Goodies Aurora Holo flake mica: https://www.woodesgoodies.com/collections/aurora/chrome-flakes#MainContent
Makeup brush: https://amzn.to/3jJR153
Marabu Rainbow alcohol ink: https://amzn.to/2VLJFpD
Tumbler turner: https://amzn.to/3lT9xKX
* As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, at no extra cost to you.
I love Swirls! Mostly swirls of color, but really any swirls at all - I think they add a beauty and grace to everything. So after I started making soap a few years ago, and needing some sort of biz name that didn't sound like everyone else's version of suds-r-us, I decided on Luxinda Swirl. Luxinda is a twist on my real name, and I quickly started putting swirls of color in all of my handmade soaps.
Now I'm branching out a bit, and I want to keep adding swirls to everything I do!