Donald Trump is FURIOUS that the House Select Committee wants to know about the status of his mental health, and he claims he'll use executive privilege to prevent them from getting their hands on relevant documents. The only problem is that he isn't the executive anymore, and the ultimate decision will rest with current President Joe Biden. Farron Cousins explains what's happening and why Trump might not have a chance of winning this fight.
Link - https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-flips-out-at-house-committee-after-it-requests-secret-capitol-riot-documents?ref=home
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This week, the house select committee investigating the events of January 6th, uh, put in requests for lots of different documents, documents from Donald Trump, from his associates, from his family, from anybody who had contact with them because it's been reported. What they're looking at is one. They want to see if he was in fact thinking of using the military
And overturn the 20, 20 presidential election.
And too, they want to check his mental competency, go through these documents and see if there's really anything in there that might suggest that, Hey, there's something wrong with his brain. Well, as you would expect, Donald Trump flipped out and Donald Trump issued one of his little idiotic statements saying this in response executive privilege will be defended on not just on behalf of my administration and the Patriots who worked beside me, but on behalf of the office of the president of the United States and the future of our nation, he then went on to call the committee, quote, a partisan
Shannon M, and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Yeah. Here's the thing, buddy,
About your claim of executive privilege? Um, I don't know if you know this, but you're not the president.
You're, you're actually
Not the executive anymore. So you have no control whatsoever about what gets deemed executive privilege. Do you know who does have that authority and who will decide whether or not these documents can go to that panel guy by the name of Joe Biden? You heard him Donald he's the one who gets to decide whether or not to exert executive privilege over
These documents now. Cause cause he beat you in the 20, 20 election by millions of votes. He beat you. So yeah.
Good luck trying to argue that in court though. I mean, I look forward to you, you know, attempting to do that, but no Biden has ultimate authority on what gets released to this panel. And he has said in the past, he's not gonna stand in their way. You know, you guys need something, he's ask I'm to give it to you. I'm not going to impede anything. I'm not going to withhold anything. I'm just an impartial guy. Like if I have something, then you need it. You can take it, whatever.
Here's my problem with this. As I mentioned, they want to look into whether or not Trump was considered using martial law and then using the military to overturn the 20, 20 election. And this is the committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot. Um, um, um, I'm not seeing how those things are connected. I'm not
Sure. And I'm sorry. Look, I would love nothing more to embarrass the hell out of Donald Trump by getting all these documents and showing that the guy's got a couple of screws loose. Sure. As much as the next person, we would all love that, but really that's not what you're supposed to be doing. And I'm going to say it. I don't support this decision by the committee. I think you're now treading into the clearly partisan
Vinge part of your committee.
And it's gonna be hard to overcome that stigma. This could possibly taint whatever kind of results you come up with here because that is a separate investigation that needs to happen. Sure. A hundred percent, we do need investigations as to Donald Trump pressuring the DOJ, trying to exert his authority, trying to change the votes down in Georgia. You know, if he was contemplating using the military to stay in office, that's an investigation that has to happen. Not just needs to, but it has to, but that, ain't what you're doing over here. You're supposed to be finding out the failures that led to the Capitol riot. You're supposed to be investigating the communications of individuals to find out what happened before, during, and after all of this, that's your job. That's what this is is four.
And yeah, we need those answers as well. And I'm not
Happy that you're going chasing these rabbits.