Andre Hodge - Misconception of Death Therefore Existence Itself

Andre Hodge - Misconception of Death Therefore Existence Itself

🐉♾🙏 Shout Out to All You Galactic Diamonds ;) 🙏♾🐉

🐉♾🙏 Misconception of Death Therefore Existence Itself 🙏♾🐉

Misconception of Death Therefore Existence Itself - Multidimensional Method to the 3D Madness 14

Hello you Galactic Megastar on the Soul Level. Thank you for finding me however that has come about. Enduring all you have had to in this and countless other lifetimes. To just be here now. It is an enormous achievement in itself. I honour you for being here. So lets take it to a whole new level

I wish to welcome you to the next release of my 'Multidimensional Method to the 3D Madness' series. One on a subject today that i feel is incredibly important to offer clarity on now. Despite being on a subject that may seem very bleak. I feel that there is enormous potential to enrich life by offering some of the things i am aware of. That i feel will greatly expand the appreciation of just how amazing we are. And, how amazing life is itself. All aspects. Not just being defined by what the majority are aware of. Because it is a very seldom appreciated aspect of our existence. What lays beyond death. That by hearing what is offered here today. I feel will inspire many in ways then never thought were possible. Because once you gain a greater understanding on the vastness of what existence actually is. Many will find great relief to them empower an inspired life. To then make each second count like never before.

Our mortality as humans is fundamental to each of our life's. It is something more in our face that most of us alive now. Have probably ever had to deal with. Which may not gain any relief from in the near term. It may actually have the potential to get much much worse. Which is why i feel this is such an important subject to address now.

The majority of humanity i think it is pretty safe to say. Live with some subtle trepidation and fear related to all things related to death and their own mortality. Which i feel offers us enormous potential to flip on its head. Empowering humanity like never before.

Many of you have talents that i am sure assist you appreciate of this subject innately. Many of you i am sure have had incredibly challenging lives at times. That have involved this subject directly. May of you might presently actually be in the most complex situations you have yet faced. I am sure many of you out there have incredible unique and inspiring stories that involve aspects discussed. That may included some brush with your own mortality, out of body and life reviews. Or those you hold dear. I am sure there is a very high percentage of courageous Consciousness Explorers have no doubt being activated like me. From this being a part of your journey as well in some way. But, despite that direct experience. You may also have many unanswered questions. Nor realising the potential you have by avoiding the subject and employing that past experience as i and others in the community have been able to. By sharing my own application i hope you realise a great deal of presently dormant potential also.

Today in this release i hope to assist you gain a great deal of expansion and appreciation of life itself. That goes well beyond the mortality components. From the clarity you gain from this exploration. Whether you have had direct experience or not. By offering you a combination of my own experiences and the mechanics of how i employed what i gained. From my own direct experiences and explorations into things like Past Life Regression. Mixed in with a few great teachings from some amazing teachers who have helped me over the years. My aim by sharing the data as i do here. You are able to enhance your own appreciation of life to levels you never thought could be possible. During these crazy messed up times. Where we are all being forced to face our own mortality. Like never before.

🐉♾🙏 Enjoy and Dream Big 🙏♾🐉

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