343 Industries reveals there will be no per-match XP in Halo Infinite, challenges will be the only source of progression through the battle pass. Today we explore why this has some fans concerned, and why it might not be a deal breaker. How do you feel about the change to XP?
Huge thanks to Nighterlev for providing gameplay footage! Check out their channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/Nighterlev
They also have a Halo Infinite gameplay playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFrk0uIfU89opuCwqIu0RC03WypUFSCKz
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0:00 – No Per-Match XP
1:36 – Forcing You to Change Playstyle
3:09 – Altering Player Motivations
4:39 – Rewarded only for Challenges
6:05 – Possible Benefits
8:07 – Closing Thoughts
(Unyshek Twitter Post) https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1431051588412444677
(Unyshek Twitter Additional Info) https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1431066696710643714?s=20
(Reddit Discussion) https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/pccbq4/there_will_be_no_xp_for_just_playing_matches_at/