Brexit - Severe Shortages and Price Increases Coming

Brexit - Severe Shortages and Price Increases Coming

One of the reasons why Brexit is a very costly disaster is because it makes it almost impossible for small and medium sized enterprises to export to the EU. The imposition of UK border controls is likely to make it equally difficult or impossible for SME's from the EU to export to the UK. The erection of so may barriers in the form of import and export declarations, certificates of origin, health & phytosanitary certificates, veterinary certificates etc all add to the new complications and barriers to trade with our biggest trading partners.
Shortages which are already apparent are set to become much more acute with the introduction of border controls, the ongoing shortage of UK lorry drivers, the reluctance of EU drivers to come to the UK and the likelihood that many farmers who have lost crops and livestock this year owing to shortage of labour will be reluctant to take further risks in the future resulting in much reduced UK food production.

BrexitShortagesPrice increases

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