I am so tired of entertainers, executives PEOPLE crying about Cancel Culture!! It’s ridiculous how people that say and do reckless stuff get to crying and whining when they get called about their bad behavior!!
LOOK a mistake is so different than wheb you access your privilege to Ridicule, make fun of, suppress, oppress, laugh it, Stereotype, categorize, minimize, Intimidate PEOPLE; that’s something inside you that’s coming out and you are being revealed and Canceled for that, Not making a mistake!! 😡
A mistake is mispronouncing my dang name!
Getting busted calling me a Niggah is revealing your character and that’s cancel worthy!! You need help not just an opportunity to say SORRY 😧 that sorry is BS
KKK lynching Black people oops we sorry 🤷🏾♀️🤬 no sir/ma’am I am sure you are Sorry… you got caught but we are canceling your ass!