In this series we’ve talked about all the negativity that we are facing in our culture today and what I’ve noticed is that the negativity really seems to have an effect on some people. There is a group of people who really seem to get a little depressed and then there is another group of people who seem to take it all in stride. They seem to be able to go about their lives unaffected by the negativity going on around them.
The same is true when it comes to our walk with the Lord. There is one group of people who seem to let the circumstances they find themselves in dictate their spiritual enthusiasm. In other words they let what is going on around them control how they feel, what mood they are in and what their outlook on life is. They are kind of like a thermometer.
The other group of people are like thermostats. They tend to set the level of their enthusiasm and it will remain pretty much the same regardless of what happens. They can experience the same negativity as others, they can go through tough times like everyone does and yet they generally remain spiritually enthusiastic.
Join us as we discover what the bible says the differences are between the thermometers and the thermostats.
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