Hong Kong pet funerals aim for respectful farewell rather than landfill waste.
In Hong Kong, where land is at a premium and burials are expensive, pet owners can choose "green burials" at more than a dozen animal crematoriums - an option that Kent Luk, who runs a dog shelter, says brings compassion to their deaths.
Luk, owner of the city’s Paws Guardian Rescue Shelter, takes care of about 500 strays at a time.
Luk ends up caring for many of the dogs until they die.
He says arranging a respectful funeral for his strays adds dignity at the end of their lives.
If he handed their bodies over to the government, they would end up at one of the city’s landfills.
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“We don’t want them to end up with the trash.
We want them to be treated with some respect,” he told Reuters.
The cremations take place at a nearby animal funeral parlour, which charges him a "symbolic" fee.