Pondicherry University selection list and waiting list released 👍👍 all the bestt

Pondicherry University selection list and waiting list released 👍👍 all the bestt

Hey guys welcome back to our channel 👍I'm so happy to share tis video 😍 atlast the selection list is out 🔥🔥 waiting for all ur replies ❤️❤️ so reply panunga guys...if ur selected in any list comment me below I'm waiting for all ur comments ❤️

PG selection list and waiting list - https://www.pondiuni.edu.in/admissions-2021-22-p-g-programme/

PG courses five year intregrated course - https://www.pondiuni.edu.in/admissions-2021-22-pg-five-year-integrated-programme/

#pondicherryUniversity #selectionlist #result


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