In this video, we’re gonna talk about a growth but massively undervalued penny stock right now. This stock has no hype and is running on fundamentals. I believe fair value for this stock is 2x from where it is now, and that's not accounting for any future growth/developments this year. This is your chance to do your research into a company primed for a breakout BEFORE the actual breakout. They have closed their acquisition of a profitable U.S. company that bring them another $4.6M USD. The company is trading below a 1 P/S...
ParcelPal (CSE: PKG) (OTCQB: PTNYF) is a leader in the growing technology and logistics industry. What ParcelPal is doing is that they are seamlessly connecting consumers to businesses, where they have access to the goods they love, anytime, anywhere in an hour or less.
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