In an interview with Fox recently, Donald Trump said that the blame for Republicans not wanting to get the vaccine rests squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats. This bizarre claim flies in the face of reality, as Republicans have been pushing anti-vaccine ideas since Biden took office this year, and Trump himself has done a lackluster job of convincing his followers to get the shot. Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/trump-vaccines-2655008510/
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Donald Trump gave an interview to Fox news this past weekend, where he talked about the fact that yeah, Republicans are definitely hesitant to get the vaccine. And then he took the bizarre step of actually blaming the Democrats for Republicans, not wanting to get the vaccine. Here's what Trump said. If you remember, when I was president, there were literally lines of people wanting to take it. Now you have a different situation. It's very bad. They disparaged the vaccine and now they wonder why people aren't wanting to take it. It's a disgrace. Look, it was one of my greatest achievements doing it in less than nine months instead of five years, or maybe never, we saved millions of people all over the world. He says, but, those Democrats, man, they're, you know, they disparaged it back in the day. And to be honest, he's not wrong about that particular part.
They did even the Zen candidate now, vice president Kamala Harris talked about not necessarily trust in anything, uh, developed under the Trump administration. And then all that kind of got put to bed, right? If there's anybody still in the United States, who's not taking a vaccine, even though a year ago, Kamala Harris said, uh, she was worried about it, but then she got it anyway. And she's fine if you're still basing your comment or your decision on what she said, instead of what she did, then you're an idiot. And I don't even feel bad for calling you an idiot. You're just an idiot, but let's talk about the other part. Trump, is it those comments? And it wasn't just Harris. There was a couple others as well. Sure. But, uh, have they been saying those same things all year long? No. No they haven't. But people like Ron DeSantis here in Florida, Greg Abbott over in Texas Kiv in Alabama now, and not to mention all of the Republicans in the house and Senate who are saying the same thing, telling people, you have a freedom to defend, don't take their tyrannical vaccine.
You shouldn't lose your job from these vaccine mandates that aren't actually even mandates. Those are the people spreading doubt. Those are the people convincing others to not get this vaccine. And guess what? That's not on the democratic side. And even though sure, we have some people who call themselves Democrats who are hardcore anti-vaxxers and do you know where they're finding an audience right now? Because it's not in left wing media? No, they've been forced to go to right-wing media, you know, talking to people like Charlie Kirk and Roger Stone, because those are really the only kinds of people willing to promote the anti-vax crap. You have people like Candace Owens talking about how I'm not going to get the vaccine. And then she got mad when she couldn't get a COVID test or whatever. Yeah. All of these individuals who have spread doubt either saying they shouldn't get it or implying that others have a freedom of choice to infect other whatever it is, those are the culprits now body.
And to be honest, you're doing a pretty crappy job yourself of going out there and actually trying to convince people to get the shot. I have said repeatedly for months now, I don't care if you take credit for it, whatever it takes to get these people vaccinated, go out and do it. Your little spiel right there. If I do is my greatest accomplishment, I did it in record time. Cool. Go out and resell that to your base or what's left of your base because you know, they're dying from COVID. I don't care if you convince them that you personally made the vaccine and that's why they should take it. I don't care what it takes at this point. Get people vaccinated, but that's on you pal. That's on you. It's on your party. It's on the people, your party is promoting. So don't look at the Democrats right now when you've got all these, you know, unvaccinated people in these red states. Cause that ain't us, buddy. That is you and the Republican party.