Unmistakable Classics: Sally Hogshead | Creating Work That’s Impossible to Resist

Unmistakable Classics: Sally Hogshead | Creating Work That’s Impossible to Resist

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How can you “fall in love” with your work? Sally Hogshead knows how, and she’s spoken with neuroradiologists about the way the brain works when someone is “in the flow” and in a state of fascination. And to them, it looks the same as when someone is falling in love. That’s the kind of work you should be pursuing, and Sally discusses that and more in this episode!

Over the course of her ad career, Sally Hogshead has won hundreds of awards for creativity, copywriting and branding, and was one of the most awarded advertising copywriters right from start of career. She is the creator of the Fascination Advantage assessment: the world’s first personality assessment that measures what makes someone fascinating. Unlike the Myers-Briggs type indicator or the StrengthsFinder test, this assessment is not about how you see the world–it’s how the world sees you.


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