Why do muslims find it so hard to get married?

Why do muslims find it so hard to get married?

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AbuAmerican's essential Guide to vetting women:

⚔️ Start your journey of becoming a man's man by mastering the 4 laws of masculine power: https://the4lawsofmasculinepowerlandi...

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£3k-£39k in 121 days book:

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AbuAmerican's essential Guide to vetting women:

⚔️ Start your journey of becoming a man's man by mastering the 4 laws of masculine power: https://the4lawsofmasculinepowerlandi...

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Join our Patreon group for a deep dive 🤿 into this topic and more; material that so often gets banned from other social media platforms because of its politically incorrect nature. https://www.patreon.com/mahditidjani

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