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To Know more about Dr Manu Bora, Click the link below:
To Know more about ACL Injury, Click the links below:
1. ACL सर्जरी में फाइबर टेप इंटरनल ब्रेस क्या है - https://youtu.be/Guqybag7Mb4
2. ACL injury को ignore करा तो क्या होगा ? - https://youtu.be/8MSG7RStYrU
3. ACL repair and ACL reconstruction में क्या difference है ? - https://youtu.be/rqute-2dTrw
4. ACL इंजरी के बाद भी नहीं है दर्द, तो क्यों कराएं ट्रीटमेंट ACL TEAR SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSIS - https://youtu.be/-CedrXcx6vo
5. कैसे जाने आपको भी लिगमेंट इंजरी है या नहीं ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njiBhXio3-k
6. आइये जाने, मैं कैसे करता हूँ ACL सर्जरी, why ACL all inside fibre tape is better then screw surgery - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gD5bB86kak
7. क्या आपके कंधे की मांसपेशी में दर्द है ? तो देखें ये वीडियो , SHOULDER SUPRASPINATUS TENDINITIS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5HOj0ioh_Y
8.ACL Surgery Cost in India - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfDsJ7H4WY4
9. क्या आपका कंधा भी उतर गया है तो देखे ये विडियो, Best Shoulder Dislocation TREATMENT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te7Xpqu5esc&t=101s
10. ACL INJURY, HINDI Q&A WITH DR MANU BORA, HOW TO DIAGNOSE ACL TEAR AND TREATMENT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2MRthA-zuE&t=5s
About ACL -
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee is very important for keeping it stable. The ligament is very important for keeping the knee stable. This ligament joins the upper leg and lower leg bones to each other. There are chances of an injury in the anterior cruciate ligament while over-straightening of your knee, bending or twisting it, landing down incorrectly after a jump or while playing football. Women are more susceptible for contracting anterior cruciate ligament injury. ACL Surgeries are ideally done by orthopaedic surgeons.
Symptoms of ACL injury
People or athletes always present their symptoms like- ‘ I planted my foot, I felt my knee get twisted, the pop sound came and I was unable to continue the game.
However it is very rare but possible that a player injures his/her ACL but continues to play and later after the knee starts hurting, unable to move and swelling occurs; or they present whenever I walk on any ‘uneven surface’ or inclined surface’ I feel instability in my knee. They feel that the knee is giving away.
Pain – Pain is very sharp, like cutting pain and can make you unable to move or lift the leg.
Swelling – There will be some swelling immediately after the injury but in some cases the swelling is progressive for next 24 hours. It can last up to a week.
Giving away – lack of confidence while walking, running or walking on an uneven surface or inclined surface, feeling of instability in the knee.
Laxity in the knee joint.
Feeling of shin bone moving excessively forward.
In common words the feeling of dislocation of the knee can happen if I walk or run. Painful weight bearing.
What are the types of ACL injuries?
There are three grade
Grade 1- The fibres of ligament are stretched but there is no tear, the ligament can still keep the knee joint stable.
Grade 2- The fibres of anterior cruciate ligament are partially torn means half fibres of ACL are torn or incomplete tear with hemorrhage, the ACL cannot provide full stability of the knee joint. Prognosis of grade 2 partial ACL tear is poor and requires surgery.
Grade 3- The fibres of ACL are completely torn means it’s completely torn into two parts. Grade 3 is the most common type of ACL injury.