Rajiv Malhotra's Milestone book Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power presented at the united nations conference :Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - Exploring Pluri - Perspectives by Swami Sarvapriyananda ji, resident Swami and head of the Vedanta Society of New York. In this monologue he goes on to explain the biased view of human and human spirituality coming out of AI and Big tech algorithms. Rajiv Malhotra's book Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power unmasks the inner workings and end goals of AI that stem from a for profit motive, ultimately aiming to engage every human and sell their behavior as a product.
Time stamps:
00:00 - Introduction
02:01 - AI & hijacking your Attention ?
06:31 - Technologies are not neutral
10:22 - AI and Altruism
12:58 - AI and Maximization of Desires
16:06 - Conclusion
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#Bigtech #Artificialintelligence #Spirituality