Brazilian Spiritist Therapies with Emma Bragdon, PhD

Brazilian Spiritist Therapies with Emma Bragdon, PhD

How can a 120-year-old, Brazilian model of integrative healthcare improve on today’s conventional mental health treatments?

Spiritist Therapies were developed more than 100 years ago in Brazil to optimize mental health and support spiritual growth. These therapies combine energy medicine and shamanic practices with the most modern allopathic approaches. Medical intuitives and healers team with psychiatrists and psychologists. 

50 Spiritist psychiatric hospitals and 13,000 Spiritist community centers use this approach in Brazil. The results surpass what we are able to do in more conventional treatment outside Brazil. Random control trials have given evidence to Spiritist Therapies producing a significant reduction in pain perception, anxiety levels, and improved overall well-being in cancer and cardiovascular patients.

This presentation will be of particular interest to those seeking the best paradigm of care, or those wanting to improve our mental healthcare system.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how we can use Spiritist Therapies to improve our mental health and healing from a pioneer in body-mind-spirit wellness for over 50 years.


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