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⏳Time Stamps⏳
Intro 0:00
1:00 Announcements, social media/content plugs (like the video family!)
3:54 Ladies introduce themselves! 🔥
7:40 PJ Kev introduces himself. 💯🔥
8:46 Superchats!
11:45 First question, one thing you like/dislike about dating.
27:48 One of the ladies asks the panel, do they see themselves ever getting married?
30:16 Kev answer the first question
33:35 Superchats! 🔥
41:20 One of the ladies gives the fam a twirl! 🔥
42:17 Second question, do the ladies have a flewed out story?
57:00 ...... astrology time...here go fam. 🤦🏿♂️
1:08:42 Superchats!
1:18:45 Ladies ask the panel their questions! 🔥(Like the video family!)
1:19:38 What are red flags you notice in dating?
1:21:46 How long is too long for you to wait smashing a woman?
1:25:20 How does a woman add value to a man's life?
1:35:35 At what point does a man stay loyal to one woman? HA! 🤣
1:38:00 Myron cooking! 🔥🔥🔥
1:40:18 Superchats! 🔥
1:48:27 Is it harder to date American women vs foreign women?
1:57:20 Chris! Let's pull up the female delusion calculator! (Like the video family!🔥)
2:12:25 Myron continues to cook on women's standards in men.
2:15:30 What do the women bring to the table?
2:34:48 What do the fellas want a woman to bring to the table?
2:36:40 Superchats!
2:49:02 GOONS RUN UP IN THE STUDIO!? (To tell y'all ninjas to like the damn video!!!!)
2:52:00 Ladies share their final thoughts on the show.
2:56:26 Superchats! 🔥
2:57:10 ANNOUNCEMENT Tommorow show with 600 breezy!!
2:57:40 Outro (like the video on your way out family!)
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👥Guest (PJ Kev)👥
➜ https://www.instagram.com/pjkev/
➜ www.approved-jets.com
➜ https://www.instagram.com/approvedjets/
👥Ladies 👥
➜ https://instagram.com/corii__anne
➜ https://instagram.com/gabmiranda_8
➜ https://instagram.com/meghanhailey
➜ https://instagram.com/nutellasx
➜ https://instagram.com/starrdawkinz
➜ https://instagram.com/amberconforti
➜ https://instagram.com/iloveconch
➜ https://instagram.com/aliciaacorona
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