In this video I show you how to increase the amount of cash you will be collecting at your self service car wash by installing bill acceptors in each of your bays.
This will avoid bay closures for example if your bays only accept coins and you experience a coin jam in your coin acceptors your bay is down until the coin in unjammed. By having bill acceptors in the bays the bay can remain open and the customer can just put the bills straight in the bill acceptor to start the bay.
If you won a car wash I highly recommend installing these as it is also less pressure on your bill changer. If your bill changer is jammed or out of service than once again the customer can put the bill straight in the bill acceptor.
Self serve car washes are a great passive income business once set up right with the right employees in place to run the day to day operations of the car wash business and someone you trust to collect and bank the money for you then you're able to make it completely passive and focus your efforts on other investments
Other similar business's like this are laundromats and on a much smaller scale vending machines.These business's can also be considered a side hustle with once again when set up correctly would require no more than 5 to 10 hours a week of your time. Happy investing.
After working for my Uncle for 2 years at he's car washes I really wanted my own and I came across this car wash. It was completely shutdown for many years so I approached the owner of the land and made a deal with him.
It took me 6 weeks to bring it back to life and open it and now the customers are starting to pour in. Not to mention I opened it during winter so I am yet. to see its full potential but here's a small taste of how its going so far!