Many of us enjoy observing classes and talking with teachers - but I hear from evaluators all the time that they don’t enjoy writing up the feedback and often put it off and aren’t sure how to do it well. I also see too many evaluators writing up feedback that is unclear and confusing. So in this video, I will share a simple and easy acronym for writing up observation feedback, which will help you ensure that your feedback is clear and helpful. I know this will make the process faster and easier for you so you can stay focused on what matters more - observing classes and talking with teachers!
Click here to get an explanation of COINS and examples: https://tinyurl.com/howtowritefeedback
#leadwithlovelovetolead #teacherevaluations #jessmaddenfuoco
Thumbnail Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash
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Video hashtags: #teacherevaluations #leadwithlovelovetolead
YouTube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUw9fwY90IDsJ9myxgbkaBQ