I better GTFO of here now, because something is about to go down | Reddit #shorts

I better GTFO of here now, because something is about to go down | Reddit #shorts

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🔹What is the most memorable moment you shared with a stranger who you never saw again?: https://youtu.be/GkgEHR4wZTk
🔹What is your "we will never speak of this again" moment?: https://youtu.be/6e-p1FuLA88
🔹What was going through your head the moment you were certain you're about to die?: https://youtu.be/GuGurhqu-jY
🔹What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in with a stranger?: https://youtu.be/5bOMVu_KK4E
🔹What's your "let's GTFO of here" story?: https://youtu.be/AYHp0ImNv2Y

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What is your "I better GTFO of here now, because some shiz is about to go down" story? I was at a house party with a few friends, where pretty much everyone from our college year was invited. One guy, who was affectionately called 'One Drink Davey', had probably downed about two pints of Stella within the hour and I personally knew he was just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Nevertheless, we all sat down to play ring of fire. That's when I saw it; his hand raised to his mouth and his eyes closed... I bolted for the door! Just as I make it past the doorframe I hear a familiar splash and everyone screaming. Fifteen minutes later, I thought I'd go back upstairs to assess the damage. Holy shiz, it's everywhere. Not just Davey's, apparently he'd started a chain with the sympathy pukers and what I was seeing was about 5 peoples-worth of vomit all over poor Jane's mothers cream carpets. I've never been so glad to have been able to detect when someone's going to hurl.

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