Rapier / Fire staff might be the best weapon combo for PvP in New World. This build hits insanely hard, and is super fast. Enjoy the gameplay! I'll update the build soon!
Build Video: https://youtu.be/40WAQawqqwc
Written Guide: https://www.pvpnewworld.com/rapier-fire-staff-beginner-pvp
New World Guides - https://www.pvpnewworld.com/
ESO Guides - https://www.kristofereso.com/
Kristofer on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/kristofereso
Kristofer on Twitter - https://twitter.com/KristoferESO
WTFast VPN for Gamers FREE TO TRY - https://www.wtfast.com/?tap_a=23788-5e5c86&tap_s=200666-95bbfa
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Submit your community clips and builds here! - kristofer@pvpnewworld.com