The work to make the boat watertight continues. I've removed the awful stainless steel handrail and the goop that was failing to properly seal both the fixing holes for the rails and holes from previous rails. I u shipped the mast to find a series of 2x1 assembled 'jenga' style to create a mast step. It wasn't fixed to the roof and the holes underneath weren't sealed. The deck hatch hinge bolts were sitting sloppily in oversized holes filled with some sort of goop. These were removed and the process of filling holes with epoxy prior to redrilling the fittings starts. Unfortunately I ran out of epoxy before I'd completed the whole job. I'm also working on a tight budget and using materials I already have at home nd where possible using diy store r a their than overpriced marine store bits where possible. EBay is also my friend in this quest!
For those that are interested the mooring is a drying mooring and therefore my boat visits have to be timed between both the tide and the weather.