The video discusses about why Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 was awarded to Banjamin List and David Macmillan for the discovery of Asymmetric Organoctalysis, what is so important and unique about. In the video we will try to understand from very simpler perspective about the complete mechanism and importance of asymmetric organocatalysis and how it is so useful to the humankind.
Read Complete Literature of:
Benjamin List: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GbBifPw2Y9uv4RgvbYDpFiwKQQL2e884/view?usp=sharing
David Macmillan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14V7sY30tjxcsd8mkmwwbIF1PuZY13t-w/view?usp=sharing
#nobel #chemistry #2021
Time Stamp:
00:00 Intro
02:06 What is Asymmetric Organocatalysis
06:03 Research Work by Benjamin List
08:21 Research Work by David Macmillan
11:07 Consequences and Significance