Англ, вар 5 (Shops and Shopping in London)

Англ, вар 5 (Shops and Shopping in London)

Контрольная работа № 1
Вариант 5
1. Прочитайте текст, спишите и сделайте перевод на русский язык.
Shops and Shopping in London
Oxford Street is one of the biggest and most popular shopping centers in London. Its nice shops and department stores attract people from all over the country and from foreign countries as well.
Shops and department stores are open every day till 6 o'clock except on Sundays. If you can't go shopping during the day you can make purchase on Thursday after office hours, as the shops close at 8 o'clock in Oxford Street on that day.
There are different kinds of shops in Oxford Street: there are clothes shops and shoe shops, book shops and dress shops. But many people prefer a department store, as it offers almost everything in one building.
One of the largest department stores in Oxford Street is Selfridge's. They sell everything here. It has about 235 different departments: women's clothes, men's clothes, shoes, toys, sports goods, umbrellas, leather goods, china and glass, food and so on. All the things for sale are on the counters. The customers walk round and choose what they want. It is a very expensive department store, that is why most Londoners have to go to cheaper shops: Mark's and Spenser's for clothes and supermarkets have become very popular with shoppers. They sell not only food, but also ready-made clothes, toys and other goods. They are self-service shops.

2. Ответьте (письменно) на английском языке на следующие вопросы:
1. Why does Oxford Street attract people from all over England?
2. Why do shops close at 8 on Thursday in Oxford Street?
3. What kind of shops are there in Oxford Street?
4. What is the largest department store in Oxford Street?
5. Where do most Londoners prefer to make their purchases?

3. Составьте высказывания из данных слов о магазинах Лондона.
1. One, the, centers, Oxford, is, London, street, in, of, shopping, biggest;
2. Selfridge's, very, store, is, a, expensive, department.

4. Вставьте соответствующее притяжательное местоимение.
... nice shops and department stores attract people from all over the country.

5. Выберите нужное неопределённое местоимение (some; any).
There are ... self-service shops in Oxford street.

6. Выберите правильный предлог.
We can't go shopping ... the day.
a) on;
b) at;
c) during.

7. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.
The customers ... make a purchase on Thursday after office hours, as the shops close at 8 o'clock.
a) can;
b) may;
c) must.

8. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.
Many people prefer a department store, as it ... almost everything.
a) offer;
b) offered;
c) offers.


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