Hustlepedia is back today with another crypto gaming video, today we are updating on the current crypto gaming markets, reviewing some projects that have done fantastic since we got in here on the channel, and then we dive into a handful of crypto gaming and metaverse projects I still believe to be undervalued and overlooked heading into the back stretch of 2021, that could do anywhere from 2-50x gains in the upcoming bull run. From Altura, Phantasma, Atari, IOI Token, Yield Guild Games, Polka City, Super Farm and more, there is so much value to be had in the current market even with the massive pumps across crypto gaming, we are here to scoop up the value, get in on some dips, and position ourselves on some up and coming projects that are on the rise throughout the rest of the year.
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Also leave your comments below on any of the projects discussed, or your thoughts on Crypto Gaming the rest of Q4!
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0:00 Intro
1:15 Market Overview + DeRace & Ultra Surging
3:47 SuperFarm - $3-4 Incoming
5:28 Atari Token - Still Undervalued
7:36 Altura - Buy the Dip?
9:05 Phantasma (SOUL) - SmartNFT BLOCKCHAIN
10:17 Polkacity
12:45 IOI Token - (HIDDEN GEM) Trade Race Manger v2
17:08 Gaming DAOS - MASSIVE Future Wave Incoming (YGG & GGG)
19:29 MIST - Low Cap MMO RPG NFT Game
20:17 Bonus: RMRK - NFT Project on Kusama
21:21 Final Thoughts