Experience A Course in Miracles online retreat with mighty companions from all around the world and heal your mind joyfully with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu of the Living Miracles community. The community practices A Course in Miracles in their daily life and is solely based on the practical application of these deep ACIM teachings. This month's theme of the online retreat is "Tabula Rasa" which means "blank slate"—reflecting the goal of ACIM Lesson 189 ("Simply do this . . . Forget this world, forget this course, and come with wholly empty hands unto your God.") Enjoy this preview of this deep A Course in Miracles online retreat!
This live-stream will only feature about 30 minutes of our opening session. If you feel inspired to join us for the full online weekend (including this full session, another session tonight, an all-day movie workshop tomorrow, and a Sunday Q&A session), you can learn more and register here: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/acim-online-retreat-tabula-rasa
To hear all of David Hoffmeister's content online, you can tune in to his A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast here: https://www.spreaker.com/show/the_david_hoffmeister_show
David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that consistent peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David is world-renowned for his practical application of the non dual teachings of A Course in Miracles. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual Awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source.
For upcoming online events with David Hoffmeister and the Living Miracles community, go to https://livingmiracles.org/events
If you have enjoyed this A Course in Miracles online retreat, please like, share, and subscribe here to get notified of the latest A Course in Miracles uploads https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidHoffmeister?sub_confirmation=1
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Listen to David read ACIM Text, WB Lesson 1, and his commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imiGL2YS2uo
Watch ACIM WB Lesson 1 video with David's voice as background
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Living A Course in Miracles can start by finding A Course In Miracles study groups online.
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Currently there are over three million copies of the Course in circulation worldwide which has been translated into over two dozen languages. ACIM has helped thousands of people worldwide.
Our YouTube channel offers you a wealth of Course-related videos, including interactive online retreats, the context of ACIM, and many testimonials about experiences in living the Course.