AGGRESSIVE Viking Battle Music ♫ Powerful Viking Music ♫ Most Epic Viking & Nordic Folk Music
Viking Music Official is a Nordic/Viking folk music channel.
We welcome you to come and enjoy the best music tunes from Viking, Epic...
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✐Music by Danheim
✅Follow Danheim:
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanheimMusic/
►Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLTQVYwu-M-MnfOJDKlFnOQ
►Bandcamp: https://danheim.bandcamp.com
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danheim_music/
✐Music by Munknörr
✅Follow Munknörr:
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/munknorr/
►Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClh4dGAZyu5deTJ3pL7lxwg
►Bandcamp: https://munknorr.bandcamp.com/
►Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ggcmI8L0SRFmTvoAtrGcl/related
✐Music by Kveld
✅Follow Kveld:
bandcamp : https://kveldmusic.bandcamp.com/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwGKK_pXBWbuW6Q6AoiwoEw
✐Music by Herknungr
✅Follow Herknungr
►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt5NBW-Fqv72V55KhuTgkLg
Bandcamp: https://herknungr.bandcamp.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Herknungr/
✐Music by Dervhengrym
✅Follow Dervhengrym
►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBxfg6sihQLapnEFt9B3FCg
Bandcamp: https://dervhengrym.bandcamp.com/music
✐An official demo for GROTH — a virtual instrument for making modern viking music:
◢ Tracklist :
00:00 Danheim - Vega
03:51 Danheim - Vikinger
09:10 Dervhengrym - Úlfhéðnar
14:13 Danheim - Munarvágr
17:24 Danheim - Floki's Last Journey
21:31 Danheim - Hefna
26:24 Danheim - Temple of Odin
29:48 Danheim - Skylda
34:21 Danheim - Egilsson
40:10 Danheim - Gjallarhorn
43:16 Danheim - Folkvangr
47:17 Danheim - Ragnakamp
50:40 Dervhengrym - Álfadróttinn
#VikingmusicOfficial #Vikingmusic #Viking #Danheim #Nordic
☑ .Submit your track here: music.Tommedia@gmail.com
♦ If you need to discuss copyright issues, please email it to us!
✉ ♦ music.Tommedia@gmail.com ♦ ✉
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