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Bitcoin Black Friday Theory
0:00 Disclaimer - this is Edutainment and not Financial Advice - The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.
00:10 Red Day - a few Pink Spots SOL LUNA FIL XLM
01:00 New Variant - Endemic Times
02:00 NU529 Update
03:00 Markets Hit
04:00 Oil Took a Hit Down 15%
05:00 DXY Back in Channel
06:00 Bitcoin Historical Returns - Thanksgiving to Y/E
07:00 Bitcoin Historical Returns - Thanksgiving to Y/E
08:00 Bitcoin Options Expiry today (Nov 25 #’s)
09:00 Whales 100-10K BTC Continue to Buy
10:00 Black Friday - Bitcoin 20% off ATH
11:00 Nayib Nailing the Dips
12:00 2 Bitcoin ETF’s Like Funds Launched in SG
13:00 Mark Yusco - Monetary Value of Gold Equivalence
14:00 Solana the Next Bitcoin??
15:00 Solana X Energy Less than 2 Google Searches
16:00 Vitalik on It - Sharding Rollout
17:00 Quotes Can Bite Us!
18:00 Meanwhile back on the Bitcoin Network
19:00 Celsius CFO Arrested in Israel
20:00 Southpark Predicts BTC is in our Future
21:00 S&P500 vs FED
22:00 Interest Rates - All Time - Debt All Time High
23:00 Hillary Calls Joe to Partner w Europe on Crypto
24:00 Freedom vs FIAT Control
25:00 “Yes FIAT is Doing a Great Job”
26:00 Bank of England Concerned w El Salvador??
27:00 CBDC Control Coming - Tanzania latest