Dave Rubin, of the much beloved show @The Rubin Report, has BACKED OUT OF A DEBATE AGAIN!!!!! He's a serial backer outer! Via author and 'Reason' Senior Editor Robby Soave's Twitter feed, we've learned that Rubin had confirmed a debate with Soave regarding the government's regulating Big Tech. Dave thought that Soave's tweet was a "dick move," but Soave only gives us more details about what a prima donna Rubin is being. It's like Christmas came early. Dave Rubin won't debate a Libertarian. The Majority Report crew discuss.
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Sam Seder: Which is very convenient. But it's not like this guy does this all the time. I give you his exchange with Reason editor Robby Soave i believe his name is. Apparently, they were going to have a debate. There was a planned debate, Robby Soave was going to debate Dave Rubin, who believes that big tech needs to be regulated. It's nice to see Big Dave... I mean Dave coming back around.
Except for when it involves him being shadow banned, right? Exactly.
EV: Now it's time to regulate.
SS: Now it's time to regulate, I'm with him. I say, "Let's let's chop these things up into little pieces," but the guy from Reason magazine of course was like, "No, no, no. We can't have that." So Robby Soave says, "Sad to learn that Rubin Report" — of course, I couldn't see this because Dave has me blocked — "Sad to learn that Rubin Report has backed out of a planned debate with me on whether government needs..." and I also just want to commend Robby Soave for this because it's not "whether or not." You don't need that. You're not supposed to put the "or not." It's simply just whether, and I appreciate that.
Matt Lech: That is because usually Libertarians are so overly wordy.
SS: Well, just other people say "whether or not." You don't need "whether or not."