If you want some RARE Pokémon on your Sinnoh Team, Grand Underground is the place to be!
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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Grand Underground Hideaways Guide
0:00 Underground Explained
2:39 Cherubi & Combee
3:16 Munchlax
4:06 Scyther / Pinsir
5:03 Aipom
6:00 Gligar / Teddiursa
6:25 Hippopotas
6:50 Togepi
7:19 Ralts & Duskull
8:41 Elekid
9:12 Magby
9:42 Fire Types in Sinnoh
10:18 Swinub
10:50 Snorunt & Smoochum
11:46 Post Game
#Pokemon #BrilliantDiamond #ShiningPearl