#理大 八十五周年校慶活動啟動禮今日於大學賽馬會綜藝館隆重舉行,並為未來十二個月的連串慶祝活動揭開序幕。
八十五周年校慶啟動禮網上直播: https://youtu.be/R4xPH-h8lj8
八十五周年校慶網站: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/tc/85anniversary/
新聞稿: https://polyu.hk/BvqdX
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Launch Ceremony】
#PolyU held its 85th Anniversary launch ceremony today, kicking off a year-long series of celebratory activities. Under the theme of #WeArePolyU #TogetherWeExcel, more than 600 distinguished guests, alumni, staff and students attended the occasion, which shared PolyU's accomplishments over the years and paid tribute to its supporters.
The 85th Anniversary milestone represents a time when PolyU is embarking on a new journey aiming to strengthen its position as a leading university with world-class education and research, help Hong Kong shine as an international innovation and technology hub, and further contribute to a better and more prosperous future for the Nation and the world.
Learn more about PolyU’s new initiatives and key celebratory activities:
YouTube stream of the ceremony: https://youtu.be/R4xPH-h8lj8
PolyU 85th Anniversary Website: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/85anniversary/
Press Release: https://polyu.hk/yvuXP
#PolyU85 #PolyUstudents #PolyUalumni #PolyUresearch #情繫理大 #共創非凡