COAST TO COAST AM INSIDER Archived Show - One of the former directors of Project STARGATE, Dale Graff discussed his research into the esoteric aspects of dreams such as precognitive, lucid, and shared dreaming. In detailing the steps that a person can take to develop precognitive dreams, he explained that they first must be accepting of the possibility for such an experience. From there, he suggested creating a dream journal as well as going to bed with the intention of remembering your dreams. Graff noted that this is like "sending a signal to your subconscious mind that you really are serious about this." After some practice, Graff said, the next step is to set up an objective such as having a dream where "something unique will catch my attention" in the days after the experience.
Original Show Date - https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2010-02-17-show/
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