![Rust - JOINING FORCES to ONLINE RAID [Off-Stream Wipe PT. 3]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8pySOT8FmbM/hqdefault.jpg)
The third and final part of my off stream wipe. In this part I turned rivals into allies. Bchillz invited me to come raid with him and his boys. Seeing as the wipe probably would have came to an uneventful close without it, I decided to accept their offer. I'm glad I did, because the online raids we did had some great action!
PART ONE - https://youtu.be/97DCvhDlx0I
PART TWO - https://youtu.be/VrKV4ckBoVw
BCHILLZ: https://www.twitch.tv/bchillz
Watch me live - https://www.twitch.tv/blooprint
Editor: https://twitter.com/Yahoizzz
Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/JPRyno1
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