Sai Avatara Tatwam | 96th Birthday Special Offering | Rahul Vellal | Bhavya Ganapathi | Must Watch

Sai Avatara Tatwam | 96th Birthday Special Offering  | Rahul Vellal | Bhavya Ganapathi | Must Watch

#rahulvellal #bhavyaganapathi #mustwatch

Through the masterly voices of @RahulVellal and #BhavyaGanapathi, savour the powerful verses written by Bhagawan Himself revealing the purpose of His advent.

Vocals: Rahul Vellal and Bhavya Ganapathi
Mridangam, Tabla and Side Percussion: Sri Ganapathi
Ghatam: Sri Sai Nath
Electric Violin: Sri Sayee Rakshith
Sitar - Sri Suryanarayana Murthy

Lyrics & Meaning -

gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdēvō mahēśvaraḥ
gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdēvō mahēśvaraḥ
gurussākṣāt parabrahma tasmai śrī guravē namaḥ namaḥ

yugadharma paddhatul vikr̥tamai yuṁḍa (2)
nayamārgamuna trippi naḍupu koraku

To restore normalcy in the ways appropriate to the epoch that has gone awry

lōkaṁbulella kallōlamai ceḍi yuṁḍa
niṣkalmaṣamu cēsi negaḍu koraku

To cleanse and set right all the worlds when they are in turmoil and in bad shape

durmārga baddhulai kruṁgi dīnatanuṁḍa (2)
sādhu saṁrakṣaṇa salupu koraku (2)

To alleviate those in distress due to their own wicked ways and to safeguard the pious

kāla saṁdigdha vigraha dīptulai yuṁḍu
bhāṣyārtha gōpyamul paluku koraku

To reiterate hidden truths of our scriptures
That stand like a beacon of light for all times

kṣmā bharamu bāpi bhūdēvi manupu koraku
trēta nosagina korkelu tīrcu koraku

To relieve Mother Earth of her enormous burden
And fulfil the boons bestowed on her in Treta Yuga

avatariṁcēnu acyutuḍavaniyaṁdu
satya rūpuḍai partilō cūḍuḍipuḍu (2)

The Immortal One has descended on earth
As the Embodiment of Truth
Behold Him now in Puttaparthi!

yē guṇaṁbu gaṇiṁci yēteṁcenō nāḍu
prahlādu pāliṁpa parama puruṣuḍu

What qualities did the Supreme One consider then
to protect Prahlada in that era

yē guṇaṁbu gaṇiṁci yēteṁcenō nāḍu
pēda kucēlu brova vēda carituḍu

What qualities did the Lord of Vedas consider then
when He came to rescue poor Kuchela

yē guṇaṁbu gaṇiṁci yēteṁcenō nāḍu
karini gāceḍi tari kamala nayanuḍu

What qualities did the Lotus Eyed Lord consider then
when He came to the rescue of the Elephant Gajendra

yē guṇaṁbu gaṇiṁci yēteṁcenō nāḍu
ḍhruva kumāruni sāka vaikuṁṭha vāsi

What qualities did Lord of Vaikuntha consider then
when He came to rescue young Dhruva

ā guṇaṁbe gaṇiṁci ī amaravaṁdyuḍu
ārtha janula pāliṁpa avatariṁce

What qualities did the One consider who is revered by Angels
has descended as Refuge of the Rejected

śrīnātha anāthanātha lokanātha
saccidānaṁdamūrti puṭṭaparti satcakravarti
śrīnātha (the Lord of wealth and prosperity), anāthanātha (the Lord of the forlorn), lokanātha (Lord of the world), saccidānaṁdamūrti

The Lord of all the worlds, the Lord of Infinite Glory,
As all Existence, as all Knowledge and
All Bliss in one Form Embodied
As Puttaparthi Sathya Sai, the Over-lord of all that Is!

akhila mānavulaku ānaṁdamonagūrci (2)
rakṣiṁcucuṁḍuṭē dīkṣa nāku (Kalyani ragam)

I have a "Task" - To foster all mankind and ensure for all of their lives full of bliss

sanmārgamunu vīḍi cariyiṁcuvārala
paṭṭi kāpāḍuṭē vratamu nāku (Shanmughapriya ragam)

I have a "Vow" - To lead all who stray away from the straight path, again into goodness and save them

bīdasādalakaina penubādha tolagiṁci
lēmini bāpuṭē prema nāku (Kalyani ragam)

I have My definition of "Love" - To remove the suffering of the poor and grant them what they lack

niyama niṣṭala tōḍa nanu golcuvārini
kāpāḍucuṁḍuṭē ghanata nāku (Keeravani ragam)

I have a "reason to be proud", for I rescue all who worship and adore Me with uncompromising discipline

maṁci ceḍḍalu kūḍa manasulō samamugā
bhāviṁcucuṁḍuṭē bhakti nāku (2) (Kalyani ragam)

I have My definition of "Devotion" - to treat joy and grief, gain and loss, with equal fortitude

yē dēśamēgina ī nāmamē sumi
satya sāyī yanucu nitya paṭhana

No matter which country you may go
You will hear the name of Sathya Sai

yē ūra cūsina ī nāmamē sumi
satya sāyī yanucu nitya japamu

No matter which place you may go
You will listen to the chants of Sathya Sai

yē nōṭa vinnanu ī nāmamē sumi
sāyirāma yanucu satya japamu

No matter who you come across
You will find them repeating the name of Sathya Sai

yē cōṭa cūsina ī nāmamē sumi
satya sāyī yanucu nitya bhajana

No matter which corner you see
You will be filled with bhajans of Sathya Sai

nārāyaṇā sāyi nārāyaṇā
nārāyaṇā sāyi nārāyaṇā
nārāyaṇā sāyi nārāyaṇā
nārāyaṇā sāyi nārāyaṇā

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